For the Sake of 700 Million

by DanWolgemuth on September 13, 2024

“Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things;
    and give me life in your ways.” (
Psalm 119:37)

Roughly once a month I enter our household income and expenses into Microsoft Money 2006. Yes, the orphan software child of Microsoft that it abandoned in 2011. Regardless of the neglect, the package has remained loyal and functional.

This week, as I was balancing our Wells Fargo checking account, and updating our retirement savings, Psalm 119:37 flashed through my head.

How rude. How inappropriate.

While I’m looking at a personal financial report, the Holy Spirit of God has the audacity to interrupt my calculation and planning with the word “worthless”.

But like a burr that gets caught in my hiking socks, the thought and conviction hung on.

By international standards, we have abundance. In domestic terms, I would guess fairly average. But the point isn’t about the amount of accumulation, but the value I place on it.

The Psalmist, without knowing what Fidelity is holding in our account, describes this as “without value”. “Worthless”.

At times these worthless items occupy my thinking. “How much is enough?” “What did the market do today?” “Which politician will have the most positive impact on my retirement accounts in the coming years?”

So my eyes turn. My attention shifts. My pulse accelerates.

At times, both consumption and conservation can be an idol.

On Tuesday, at a HOPE International fund raising event, I was told that 700 million residents on our planet live on roughly $2 a day. Yes, another burr in my sock.

And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. (Luke 12:18, ESV)

Bigger barns are never the solution. Never.

Assets provide opportunity to participate tangibly in the advancement of the Kingdom of God. To leverage my least valuable asset into the most valuable outcome… transformation.

The tighter I clench my fist, the harder my heart gets, and the more my stomach churns. An open heart opens my fist, and an open fist feeds my soul.

Stewardship matters. Wisdom and prudence are to be commended. But not for the sake of stockpiling or barn-filling.

Resources are a tool… to breakup crusty ground, to reclaim what has been abandoned or lost. To bless someone without resources. Without fanfare. Without self-promotion.

Resources only become worthless, when they become the goal. When amassing more is the objective.

Perhaps Susanna Wesley said it best over 300 years ago… “Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, takes off your relish for spiritual things, whatever increases the authority of the body over the mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may seem in itself.”

“That thing is sin to you…”

Avoiding worthless for the sake of our King.


Under the Stars

by DanWolgemuth on September 6, 2024

A year ago I wrote about our Labor Day family camping experience. 19 people in all. And me, the patriarch of the family, still inexperienced, but enthusiastically willing.

Fast forward to 2024. Another Labor Day. Another family outing. Another remarkable Colorado location.

This time we pitched our tents in Oh Be Joyful campground, outside of Crested Butte, Colorado. Indeed, the surroundings were breathtaking and the adventure-inviting opportunities, nearly limitless.

For roughly 48 hours we were sojourners, guests, and stewards of the glimpses and grandeur of this place. On the second night of camping, at roughly 3am, the call of nature on my 69 year-old body demanded that I take a short hike outside of our tent. Once clear from the overhanging trees, I snagged a view of the Colorado sky. I was spellbound. As if I had just had a rear-end collision with creation, I stopped in my tracks. Speechless.

As I made my way back to the tiny bubble that I called home for the weekend, I thought to myself, “I love sleeping under the stars.”

(This picture was taken in 2023, but you get a sense for what “our bubble” looked like.)

I’ve used the quaint phrase “under the stars” before, but this time, as I slid myself back into my sleeping bag, I was confronted with a humbling and stark reality. Is there ever a day that I don’t sleep “under the stars”? Somehow, the simplicity and austerity of the crisp mountain air reminds me that I am small, dependent, humble and fragile. But once I drive 210 miles back to our home in Aurora, Colorado, I’m back in charge. In that environment, I seem to believe the stars aren’t as relevant.

Is it possible that a suburban address, asphalt shingles, a paved driveway, and a comfortable mattress are sufficient to lull me into a self-reliant stupor? Is God’s power and majesty absent when I’m back in my own kitchen, cooking something other than hot dogs and smores?

In the waning moments of nighttime in Oh Be Joyful, I was confronted with the stark reality that the awesome power and splendor of God does not diminish simply when I reenter the light and sound pollution of Aurora, Colorado. God is always God. And EVERY night I sleep under His stars.

            “Where shall I go from your Spirit?

                        Or where shall I flee from your presence?

            If I ascend to heaven, you are there!

                        If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!

            If I take the wings of the morning

                        and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,

            even there your hand shall lead me,

                        and your right hand shall hold me.” (Psalm 139:7–10, ESV)

In Crested Butte and in Aurora.

Always small. Always His.


No More Outsourcing

August 30, 2024

In 1995 I began an unexpected journey as an employee of General Electric. I was a collateral part of an acquisition they made. By the late 1990’s, GE emerged as the company with the largest market capital in the world. It was during this era that they made a concerted effort to outsource a large […]

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Building on a Firm Foundation

August 23, 2024

Parents make key decisions when raising children. Some of this revolves around what foundational priorities are set. For Mary and me, this anchored itself in the importance of telling the truth. Disobedience and defiance weren’t overlooked, but they were secondary to trustworthiness. And now, over forty years later, I still think this prevailing priority is […]

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August 16, 2024

In July, Mary and I spent time in the mountains with some very significant friends from Kansas City. Rod and Debbie were a part of the same fledgling congregation that Mary and I were. They had two sons, who connected well with our two sons. They also were a part of a home schooling community […]

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What He Still Knows

August 13, 2024

It was roughly a year ago that I wrote about a visit to Maryland in which I was able to spend time with my brother Sam, and his wife Mary Gayle. I’ve reflected often on that time, and the tenderness and beauty it invited. I journaled then that Sam’s cognitive abilities were under assault. And […]

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God Knows…

July 26, 2024

Do you have anything in your closet that you bought four and a half years ago? In addition to the timing of this purchase, is this something that you’ve worn nearly every day since then? If you can identify something like that, then you’ll note that it most likely is showing signs of wear. Language […]

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Intoxicated With Winning

July 19, 2024

Over the last six months Mary and I have been witnesses to our grandkids’ competitive participation in hockey, soccer, flag-football, softball, tennis, volleyball, basketball, and baseball. As I sit and watch, often with a churning gut, I find myself whispering prayers. The primary theme of these conversations with the Almighty revolve around some aspect of […]

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They’ll Know, Or Will They?

July 12, 2024

“We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord And we pray that our unity will one day be restored And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love Yeah they’ll know we are Christians by our […]

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YFC Camp Goes to Prison

June 28, 2024

The name Carlos Portillo first came to my attention a few weeks ago in an email. The email had to do with a camp scholarship request that Carlos was making for a camp that our Suncoast YFC chapter was organizing. This was about a day camp. Three days long. Roughly 70 young people in attendance. […]

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