In the fall of 2020 I took a Zoom bread baking class with my daughter, Alli. Our instructor was Sara Ward, from her austere kitchen at Hen Corner in West London.
One class led to two, and then three… and then I was hooked. Now, I would consider bread baking my favorite hobby. I have a recipe notebook, and a large Moleskine journal to memorialize my adventures, and to document my experiences.
From classic sourdough to English muffins. From rosemary crackers to cinnamon crunch cereal. From my Mom’s famous dill bread, to Finnish Nisu. Oatmeal bread for sandwiches, and pumpernickel for gifts. Bread has become a joy and an outlet.

(Note the shower caps behind the muffins…
these are indispensable for bakers covering their proofing dough!)
It’s Mary who often remarks that at our age, “carbs are not our friend!”, consequently, baking has become a pathway to gift giving. And while I love baking for a wide array of friends, there is nothing like baking for grandchildren.
This seems obvious… but there is more to this delight than simply connecting with eleven of my favorite people on earth. The reality is that my grandchildren consume my bread with urgency, focus and without constraint. Seriously. Loaves disappear. Bread retention strategies become unnecessary. And jubilant anticipation accompanies any and every delivery.
All eleven grands…
While their parents keep them in braces and gym shoes, I keep them in gluten.
The other day as I drove back to my home after one of my deliveries, I reflected on the joy this brings to me. Instantly I was tugged to the words of Jesus…
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. (John 6:35, ESV)
Jesus is the bread of life.
And what He’s looking for are appetites like my eleven grandchildren.
His followers… me, you… should be filled with anticipation and delight as we come to Him. To be filled with Him. To be thrilled with Him. To throw a party because of Him.
Instead, I gauge my consumption. I calibrate and measure.
In the case of Jesus, there is no such thing as “too much of a good thing.” Is it any wonder that Jesus loved children?
Unencumbered. Unconstrained. Unashamed.
Bread eaters.
And the delight of the baker, is just a small sample of the joy of our Savior.
He is our bread. Sometimes sourdough. Sometimes cinnamon rolls.
Unlock the delight.
For life. Jesus…
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