A Putin Pay Cut

by DanWolgemuth on March 6, 2015

This just in… the Russian economy is slowly imploding, burdened with the weight of mounting expenses and declining oil revenues. With the realities of this economic crisis, Russian President Vladimir Putin has enacted a sweeping cut in government pay of 10%. The story also highlights the fact that Putin will include his own compensation in this pay cut.

At first blush this leadership gesture seems heroic and sacrificial. But in this case, first blush simply isn’t adequate.

Some estimate that Vladimir Putin is the wealthiest human being alive. His net worth has been pegged as high as $200 billion. Yes, billion. At that rate he can barely see Bill Gates in his rearview mirror.

This includes 20 homes, 58 aircraft and four yachts. Most of the wealth is stashed in foreign accounts.

Frankly, that changes my perspective on a $10,000 a year pay cut. While the optics of the gesture and the local headlines might read with a sense of solidarity, the reality defies the assertion. Quite simply, Vladimir Putin has become mind-bogglingly rich at the expense of his people, his economy, and his nation. Vladimir Putin views his position as a platform from which to exploit what he believes is ultimately due to him. All this while the bulk of the population in Russia spends 50% of their income on food.

As the curtain opens on a comparison to a man who was interested in more than headlines, we read the following: who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.

Jesus did more than just cut His pay by $10,000. He did more than sell one of His houses. Jesus not only sacrificed, He abandoned the position… He walked away from the crown…

From infinite God to vulnerable baby.

From master of the universe, to the son of a carpenter.

From glory to Nazareth.

From King to servant.

From Creator to conceived.

From omnipotent to helpless.

From cosmic to vagabond.

From coequal with God to convict.

From glorified to shameful.

Jesus liquidated His entire Balance Sheet to ransom mankind, to pay the price, to bring us home.

His optics match reality. Jesus embraced the bankruptcy of mankind by paying it all.

This is my leader. This is my King.


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