Eavesdropping on a Conversation with God

by DanWolgemuth on August 17, 2018

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” (Romans 8:26-27, NIV)

In the late 1990’s as an employee of General Electric, an organizational season in which Jack Welch was the CEO, an era of intense employee competition; an era marked by racking and stacking every employee in the organization, I have some intense and prevailing memories. These memories include walking into a room where two individuals were already engaged in conversation. In a moment of awkward transition, I perceived that the conversation was about me, or something that pertained to me, because the individuals hushed their tones and shifted topical gears without pushing in the clutch.

Have you walked into a room like this? Can you feel that same uncomfortable and awkward feeling?

But what if you walked into that same room, and the conversation was indeed about you, but it was life-giving, edifying and supportive? What if your unexpected presence invoked joy and hope and love? What if the expressions and passion and dreams expressed in the conversation were soaked in the essence of hope and grace and purpose? What if these words exceeded your wildest expectations or dreams?

Followers of Jesus the Christ can be assured that there are no hushed, gossip-filled conversations happening at your expense in the Heavenly realm. Indeed, there is a conversation that involves you and it’s happening in the throne room of God, even now.

The Holy Spirit, in beautiful, reverent, holy and eloquent terms putting language to the deepest desires and needs of our soul. The Holy Spirit advocating and interceding… for us. And not in some dismissive, obligatory, unengaged manner, but with deep, passionate and tender words.  The Holy Spirit, aching for us before God… always in alignment with God’s will, but always for us.

Even now, imagine yourself walking into that room… not a room of toxic condemnation, but a room of grace and mercy and love and hope. You stand in the shadows and listen as your name flows from the lips of God to the ears of God. Your name. With details about your life, your pain, your crushing burdens… but judgment and condemnation do not follow, because Jesus has already spoken your name to His Father. He’s informed Him that you are forgiven. That you are adopted. That you are family. And so, the words of the Holy Spirit ring true and right. The Holy Spirit brings the needs of a child to the Father. A loving father, who knows what’s best and what’s good and what’s true.

The Holy Spirit is interceding for you. You. With emotion and urgency and fervor. For you. Words you don’t have the energy or capacity to form, now flowing flawlessly from the Holy Spirit.

There is no awkwardness as you enter this room. Only grace-soaked hope. The reality of a sin- stained world is not ignored. But God knows. And God loves. And God responds… in alignment with His will. For you. His beloved. His child.

When words escape us, the Holy Spirit puts language to our lives… with The Father. On our behalf. Amazing. Unthinkable. Life changing. Words.

Imagine. Just imagine.

In our weakness. On our behalf. For the saints.

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