Expose the Flaws

by DanWolgemuth on August 10, 2007

The verdict hasn’t been completely established at this point, but it seems that some combination of weight and weakness proved lethal in downtown Minneapolis. The bridge over the Mississippi River fractured when a point of failure and vulnerability was exposed.

Undoubtedly it will take months to determine the exact cause, but each day more speculation exists that the combination of construction equipment weight, and growing weaknesses in the bridge collided. The result created a cascade of disaster that rippled through the entire river span. Even areas of strength crumbled when points of dependency failed in catastrophic proportion. Cars, buses and trucks were tossed from the bridge as those that trusted the infrastructure were impacted by the breach.

The scenario is all too familiar. The lethal combination is much too frequently repeated. Weight and weakness collide, an infrastructure collapses and lives, families, children, organizations, neighborhoods are tossed into chaos.

A flaw is exposed before it is dealt with? the pressure and opportunity of everyday life press into the crack and disaster is the result.

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!  And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! ~ Psalm 139:23-24

God understands the need for inspection. He loves us enough to want full disclosure before we experience full disaster.

When weakness intersects with the weight of everyday living, innocent people are flung from the bridge. Unsuspecting individuals are caught in the chaos. Disaster.

Is it time to double check the spans in your life? The disastrous metaphor is much too poignant to miss. Yes, dear Lord, “Search me,” expose the points of weakness. Relieve the stress points. Then lead me. I trust you. I need you.

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