In Captivity to be Set Free

by DanWolgemuth on November 9, 2018

As the temperature drops in Colorado so does the obvious food supply for the variety of birds that call our neighborhood their home. So, before Mary hangs her wintertime bird feeder, she wanted to reduce, if not eliminate any potential competition. That means a live animal trap on our deck. And yes, within hours, our first squirrel. Within the first day, two.

As I relocate these critters about five miles from our home, I have a front row seat to captivity. To the anxiety that is produced as these furry tailed animals realize what an ambition for peanut butter has cost them.

Captivity. Confinement.

I typically think of this posture in very negative terms, which is why the words of the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians are so profound and provocative.

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, (2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV)

Every thought captive.

The King James Version puts it this way… “bringing into captivity every thought”.

Thoughts arrested. Every one. Incarcerated, but not by shame or guilt, but by Holy Spirit infused scrutiny. Each thought interrogated by the God who created us. Every thought under control.

Yes, those thoughts that wake you at 3am and chase your pulse to exercise levels while you lay motionless. Yes, the thoughts that race to a script of destruction or despair. Yes, the selfish, Godless ideas that feed personal pleasure and comfort at the expense of others. Oh yes, the thoughts that presuppose an outcome or behavior simply because of a built-in bias or prejudice. Yes, thoughts anchored in fear. Yes, thoughts birthed from pride. Thoughts no longer running unchecked across our mind. Now brought into captivity.

Scrutinized. Assessed. Challenged.

Many dismissed or dismantled… because Christ has given us power and dominion to incarcerate the destructive thoughts that the Evil One would love to have running unconfined across our heart, mind and soul. But no longer.

For freedom Christ has set us free… (Galatians 5:1a ESV)

Unhealthy and destructive thoughts arrested, now liberty to live is unshackled. Freedom. Our thoughts no longer victimized by pain and regret, by bitterness and anger. Free. By Christ.

Don’t be deceived… your thoughts will scream foul. They will protest vigorously… but you are not captive to them, they are captive to you through Christ. The Warden is on duty. The lock is set.

Every thought. Not as master, but inmate. This is the power of Christ in us. No excuses. No exceptions. Every.

In the middle of the night… at a point of vulnerability… when fear hits like a tsunami. Every thought… captive. And not just relocated but evicted. Replaced…

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8 ESV)

Thoughts… righteous thoughts… compassionate, selfless and holy thoughts empowered and unleashed.

The trap is set… time to bring every thought into captivity. For the cause of Christ. By the power of Christ. For the glory of Christ.

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