Made For Each Other

by DanWolgemuth on June 3, 2022

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” (Genesis 2:18)

The Garden.



Then, a declaration from God. “Not good”.



Adam, with plants and planets, with animals and asteroids, with the seas and the celestial… even with God Himself. Yet, alone.

We. Human beings. Were made for each other. For companionship. For community. For intimacy.

Perhaps this is why Jesus gave a New Commandment… to love one another. Perhaps this is why in Christ’s final hours before the cross… He prayed for unity. Because community is the perfect fulfillment of God’s design.

So… when the world shows the signs of fracture. When even the Church of Jesus Christ exhibits division and divisiveness. Then… our heart aches. Creation moans. God grieves.

The platforms of our culture amplify the messages of hatred and disunity. They showcase brokenness. They headline, in real time, the messages from toxic relationships… of mistrust.

And we watch. We listen. We stream…

The poison. The venom.

And it pollutes our soul. It fogs our senses. It erodes our joy. It hijacks our love… for God. For each other.

We were made for each other. Not as Plan B. But Plan A.

In the Garden. Before the Fall.


This is, in part, why we feel the heaviness that accompanies our culture. It is also why we, as followers of Christ, as stewards of our gift of life from God, should do our best to live in harmony. To model unity. To exhibit humility. To serve with unselfishness. To give with sacrificial generosity…

Because this is what God designed. In the Garden.

Community is not extra credit. It’s the foundation on which the Kingdom of God flourishes and grows.

“I will make him a helper fit for him.”

God said this. God did this. And when I undermine the perfection of His plan, I bear the consequences. We bear the consequences. We feel the pain. He feels the pain.

Heaviness gives way to hope, when we, the children of God live in unity.

The world is watching. Jesus is praying.

A cultural revival awaits… if only we could be what God designed us to be.

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