
by DanWolgemuth on November 4, 2011

Mary and I had been on the road for a couple of days, after a series of road warrior weeks. On Monday and Tuesday we had been treated to a number of very good catered meals, with varied alternatives and outstanding quality. So on Wednesday night, it was just us, in our own house… and frankly it was pure joy.

Familiarity inspired comfort, and comfort spilled over into a menu that anchored itself in Mary’s “go to” food of choice… popcorn. And when time permits, and it did, then our Whirly-Pop is the only thing that will do.

Two tablespoons of cooking oil and a half a cup of popcorn and we have a recipe for relaxation. There’s just something about popcorn… it leads to sweatpants, and warm conversation, and completely pretense-less interaction.

In our house, popcorn is on the training table for “guard-down” living. It’s fuel for the weary body and the over-stimulated mind.

For Mary, it’s the smell and taste of family. It’s the catapult to deep and tender memories of her dad. It’s a feast… with every wonderful handful.

“When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread.” ~ John 21:9 (ESV)

A charcoal fire. Fresh fish. A dialog with the risen Christ in the company of close friends.

Jesus understood.

No doubt this atmosphere disarmed and facilitated.

There was no stuffy discourse… even at the end. Jesus knew that smells, and tastes, and memories can collide in remarkable harmony to orchestrate powerful and precious unguarded moments.

Moments that highlight the past even as they illuminate the future. This was their Whirly-Pop, their comfort, their unplugged moment with the Savior.

And I would guess that from that moment forward, every beach fire, every smell of sizzling fish, every corresponding taste was a ticket to a place of comfort, and safety, and inspiration.

Yes, Jesus understood and He understands…

Find the place, enjoy the meal, invite the friends… to unplug, to replug, to savor the sweet smells and tastes of comfort and safety and companionship.


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kent nelson November 8, 2011 at 8:35 AM

Great meeting you and Mary last night at the Campus Life banquet! It was great to connect with yet another TU alum right in our own backyard. I trust our paths will cross again! Have a great day Dan!


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