The Impala; The Meek

by DanWolgemuth on March 14, 2014

The 2014 Chevrolet Impala is not like the Impala I remember.  I remember a rectangle that was predictable, reliable and nondescript.  At the Alamo rental car counter a week ago, a sympathetic agent flashed a smile at me and offered a week long rental in this new vehicle.  “Yes” burst from my lips before my brain fully engaged.

What I didn’t expect from this new car was the fantastic performance.  The Impala I rented was really, really powerful.  In fact, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that it had more muscle than any car I’ve rented in the last ten years… and maybe ever.  While I enjoyed both the look of this car and the responsiveness, the power at my disposal created a distinct learning platform for me.

During the course of a week of YFC work in Florida, I traveled hundreds of miles.  Nearly all of the driving was on expressways.  Frankly, I witnessed some of the worst driving I’ve seen; cars darting in and out of lanes – both to the right and left.

It wasn’t unusual for old, rusty and undersized vehicles to cut in front of me in an effort to save fractions of seconds on their travel time.  For eight days I confronted the urge to teach these traffic pirates a lesson.  I had the power to do it.  For eight days I resisted that urge – and by day seven I had discovered both something about myself, and the metaphor that my Chevy afforded me.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5)

The meek.

Not the powerless.  Not the weak.  Not the impotent.

Strength with discipline.  Gifting through the blessing of stewardship.

The meek have nothing to prove.  The meek accelerate with control.  Patience and perspective outweigh ego and capability.

Jesus shows us the way.

“Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?“ (Matthew 26:53)

Jesus had a power source beyond our wildest understanding.  In an instant He could have stepped on the accelerator and taught all of mankind a lesson… but grace; but mercy; but love… meek – like no other before or after.

Rusty old Toyotas – underpowered Fords – junk-loaded pickup trucks… all invite retribution; they dare the power.

But Jesus – steady, focused, disciplined, committed, and humble, embraces the promise of inheriting more by resisting the urge.

Power under control.  Focus without distraction.

Blessed are the meek.

My 2014 Impala lesson.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Sarah J March 21, 2014 at 8:48 AM

Never thought about being meek as “strength with discipline”.
That changes the entire tone for me. Great read. Thank you!


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