Language Found A Pulse

by DanWolgemuth on December 12, 2014

“In the beginning was the Word”


And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)

The expression of God became tangible.

The language of God became personal.

The distance between God and His creation shrank and became the unfolding narrative of life.

A bush, tablets, clouds and fire gave way to skin.

The cosmic chasm disappeared. Not with a celestial bridge or a royal ferry… but with a full on invasion. God became man. Vocabulary added a heart. Conversations became personal. The letters of language found a pulse.

The Word landed on the soiled parchment of imperfection.

History had been full of the voice of God… but then, the voice had lips. Breath had lungs. Presence had touch. Love had tears.

The ultimate gift. Divine condescension. Emptied. Exposed. Revealed. Connected.

The language of God had an address, a seat at the breakfast table, a bed, a family, a vocation, and a calling.

The Word, producing words, proclaiming good news.

Jesus. The conversation of God. The conversation with God.

The vocabulary of truth. The inflection of grace.

Glory. In words. With words. From the Word. For the Word.

Flesh. Words with meat. Jesus.

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