Shortly after Luke commits to writing an accurate and orderly account of the life of Jesus, he introduces us to Zachariah, and then to his wife Elizabeth. The carefully chosen words of description about this couple would be a sacred endorsement to anyone.
“And they were both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord.” (Luke 1:6, ESV)
Yes, please. I’d love for inspired words like these to be spoken over me… and yet, there is more. The verse that follows this glowing compliment, bleeds with disappointment, pain and grief.
“But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in years.” (Luke 1:7, ESV)
Godly and good… but. Yes, but.
The three-letter word that slams on the brakes to a life at full speed.
Old. Childless. Shamed. Disappointed. Grief burdened.
No child. No offspring to convey a legacy.
It is on this three-letter word that all of our lives pivot. But…
It’s a fill in the blank question. But, what.
All of us have words of pain that follow our glowing resume. No reputation is unstained. No pathway is pristine. Jesus put it this way, “In the world you will have tribulation…”
Not if. Not maybe… you will have tribulation. All of us.
Zachariah, after decades of lifting and carrying the burden of childlessness, enters the temple. On assignment. With a mission. Until the most painful chapter of his life is interrupted with hope. With a promise.
Zachariah and Elizabeth are Medicare age. They’re wondering how much their prescription copays will be, and Gabriel invites them to a baby shower. Theirs.

Zachariah, a priest, confronts this epic news with doubt. He seasons the jubilant announcement with skepticism. Hidden in this response to the prophetic word is the fact that he’s forgotten that God is in the business of turning empty wombs into a family reunion. As a priest, he should remember well the words from Genesis 15 directed to another childless husband… in this case, Abram.
And he (God) brought him (Abram) outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15:5–6, ESV)
God has proven Himself faithful. God has made good on family promises. Only He could turn a retirement center into a maternity ward. And Zachariah should have known. He should have remembered. He should have followed Abram’s lead.
And so should we.
Whatever heartbreaking words follow the “but” in your life, know for sure that God has not abandoned you. Even after decades. Even after rivers of tears. Even after countless prayers.
History proves, what our minds can’t comprehend. God is faithful. Always. True to His word. Making good on every promise.
Luke 1.
Linger. Remember. Learn.
Before swaddling clothes, Zachariah.
Our journey continues. Bethlehem awaits. But first… Luke 1.
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