No More Outsourcing

by DanWolgemuth on August 30, 2024

In 1995 I began an unexpected journey as an employee of General Electric. I was a collateral part of an acquisition they made.

By the late 1990’s, GE emerged as the company with the largest market capital in the world. It was during this era that they made a concerted effort to outsource a large portion of the information technology structure to offshore suppliers. In large measure this meant shipping projects to IT companies in India. This was an effort to reduce costs.

Technology outsourcing hit large Wall Street companies like a tsunami. Projected cost savings swelled bottom lines, and consequently stock prices. But the wave didn’t last, and the devastating impact on organizational culture and trust was profound.

What seemed like a strategic bargain at the time, became a drain of morale and corporate integrity.

Over 25 years later, I was drawn back to this memory for very different reasons. I fear that Christians are being enticed to outsource our message and witness to one of the two primary political parties in our country. A political platform isn’t designed to carry the weight of the Gospel, and relying on it to do so puts the integrity and fidelity of the message at risk.

Certainly, I can use my voice to amplify the message of Christ in an effort to influence political priorities, but that’s different than painting my Gospel message with red or blue.

Involvement, yes. Outsourcing, no.

Romans 12 shines a laser on this theme when it says, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (NLT)

A change in our thought process. A transformation. Not a delegation.

The message of Christ must be first. Foremost. Preeminent. Anything else creates a dissonance. A distortion. A shallow and unfulfilling replica.

“having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.” (2 Timothy 3:5, ESV)

The Gospel doesn’t answer to our politics. No, our politics must answer to the Gospel.

That’s why it can never be outsourced. Not for the sake of expediency, or power, or profit, or popularity, or pragmatism.

The Church of Jesus Christ was created and commissioned without a vote. It was founded on the power of the Holy Spirit with a clear message to communicate to my neighbors, whether right or left. Whether conservative or progressive.

There is no ballot box in the Kingdom of God, which means that we are stewards and not owners. Yes, citizens and not voters.

Bringing glory to Christ is what matters most. Always. Only. Now, and after November.

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