“Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” (Matthew 6:26, ESV)
Retirement from full-time employment has afforded me the opportunity to engage in a few routine activities around the house. This includes the care and feeding of our winged neighbors who make a habit of visiting us daily.
Sunflower seeds. Water in the bird bath. Mixed seed in a different feeder, and periodically replenishing the thistle seed when the tube is empty.
The other day as I was filling a scoop with sunflower seeds, my mind flashed to the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. The words about “your heavenly Father feeds them”. As I pushed open the back door on my way to our deck, I thought… “hey, wait… how does this work? Jesus made this promise to the birds, and I’m the one with the stash of seeds in my garage? Am I hijacking His plan?”
Then… the still, small voice with clarity and correction.
“You are not sidetracking God’s promise or plan… you are His provision. He trusts you to deliver on the promise Jesus made.”
Your heavenly Father feeds them.
We. You and me. Are a part of fulfilling the promises God makes. He delights in including us in delivering on the commitments He makes.
Companionship. Compassion. Correction. Community… in us. Then through us.
The design of the Creator includes us. His promises, our seeds and scoop.
Is there a more noble calling?
And if this calling involves house finches, chickadees, flickers, sparrows, scrub jays, and robins… how much more for my neighbors. For my family. Even for those who disrespect and disregard me. His plans and promises… our seeds and scoop.
A sovereign and righteous and holy God, doesn’t work around us. He works in us, and through us.
This changes our view of the tasks we have. It elevates the role we play.
Jesus came, not to be served, but to serve…
Seeds and a scoop. His words alive in our soul. His example moving our lips and our limbs.
Your heavenly Father feeds them.
Yes, and amen.
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