
by DanWolgemuth on January 30, 2015

“When I was seven I took care of my younger brothers while my parents fought the power of addiction.”

These words cut like a razor sharp knife through my soul as I watched a ministry update from one of our chapters.

Innocence obliterated.

Children, not only caring for children, but parenting parents. Seven.

“God found me. In the darkness. Through the darkness.”

Forgiven. Renewed. Restored. Adopted.

By God.

Now called back to the darkness as an agent of light. An ambassador for the King.

Darkness, even the most onerous and smothering darkness cannot extinguish what God choses to ignite.

A destiny rewritten. A child again.

A father. The Father.

Seven but not abandoned. Seven but not alone.

Hope embraced, hope proclaimed.

Love… unrelenting love. Flooded, now poured out.

A leader. One of our leaders.

Rescued. Now rescuing… in the name of Jesus.

Seven no more. A masterpiece. A gem. A prize possession. A sister to the King. A child of the Creator.

Uncontainable good news.

By any measure; by every measure. Made new.

Stories… over and over the stories. Tears for the pain. Tears for the hope.


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