No Bow On This One

January 27, 2023

Most often in my writing I work to wrap up a piece with a perfectly tied bow. You know, a wonderful and tidy conclusion to a compelling story or a Biblical insight. But not today. Not that the reflections that follow are untidy, or angry, or bitter… they’re just unfinished. And for whatever reason, 50 […]

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Cat and the Box Spring

January 20, 2023

It was time for the crib to come down. Mack, the youngest of our 11 grandchildren, is four… and well beyond the necessity or the desire to sleep within the confines of a crib. Nostalgia had pushed us to procrastinate, but alas… That meant a reconfiguration of our “crib room”, which included the dismantling of […]

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Half a Billion and Counting

January 13, 2023

His name is Cristiano Ronaldo… officially, he is a Portuguese footballer (soccer player). And, mind you, one of the finest footballers in the world, with more international goals than any other player, ever. But what you may not know is that in November of last year, Cristiano Ronaldo passed the mark of 500 million followers […]

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2023 in a Word

January 6, 2023

Do you do it? Do you select a “word for the year”? I went through a season a few years ago, where I would select a word that I anticipated would be an area of focus during the coming year. Perhaps you’ve done the same. The origin of the official practice of naming a word […]

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The Whys of Christmas – Part 5

December 30, 2022

We started with, Why Then?, and we progressed to Why There? Then we moved to Why Her?, only to be followed by, Why Them?. Four poignant questions that bring us to the threshold of a soul-searching, and heart-moving question… Why me? Frankly, I can’t type those two words without feeling the delight and the weight […]

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The Whys of Christmas – Part 4

December 27, 2022

To continue… Why them? It was 1992, Barcelona, Spain, and the introduction of the “Dream Team” as the Olympic Committee allowed professional athletes to compete. It was a roster of Hall of Fame NBA athletes. Jordan, Pippen, Stockton, Malone, Magic, Bird, Ewing, Mullin, Robinson, Drexler, Laettner and Barkley. What a list. Superstars on a combined […]

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The Ways of Christmas – Part 3

December 16, 2022

 To continue… Why her? Why Mary? A small-town girl. Engaged to be married. A teenager. What I’m confident of is that God knew exactly what He was doing when He plucked this young woman out of obscurity and into cosmic significance. He wasn’t checking Mary’s resume, or pedigree, or balance sheet. And while we celebrate […]

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The Whys of Christmas – Part 2

December 9, 2022

Mystery. Christmas is a collection of unimaginable events, with unlikely heroes, and improbable circumstances. Yet, singularly, it is Christ’s birth in Bethlehem that provides the fulcrum on which all of history is leveraged. And in this mystery, questions emerge. Not irreverent questions, but authentic and ponderous questions. Indeed, questions that only God can answer, but […]

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The Whys of Christmas – Part 1

December 2, 2022

Mystery. Christmas is a collection of unimaginable events, with unlikely heroes, and improbable circumstances. Yet, singularly, it is Christ’s birth in Bethlehem that provides the fulcrum on which all of history is leveraged. And in this mystery, questions emerge. Not irreverent questions, but authentic and ponderous questions. Indeed, questions that only God can answer, but […]

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My Tribute. My Inspiration.

November 18, 2022

It seemed to be a fitting finale to a wonderful six-month adventure. I had been on assignment with General Electric in Folkestone, Kent in the U.K., and now, this global IT project had provided the perfect launching pad for a July trip to Western Scotland. It was 1996, Mary and our three kids had adjusted […]

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