All of me…

November 11, 2022

“Doubt is not at odds with faith; irony or cruelty does not cancel out beauty or truth. God knows all of me, including the darkest parts. Sometimes I can even see heaven easier for the clouds than for the perfect blue. And he loves me still?” These words from Surprised by Oxford jumped off the […]

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75 and Holding

November 8, 2022

Integrity. Honesty. Trustworthiness. Yes, please. It was a few weeks ago as I was standing in the hallway of our church that my unexpected data collection effort began. I stood watching as one of our pastors counted the number of children who would make up the Children’s Choir for the second Sunday morning service. The […]

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Life on Purpose

October 28, 2022

It was almost exactly 45 years ago that I walked the rural streets of Upland, Indiana with Mary at my side. We were in the midst of the most intense dialog that we had experienced in our courtship. I had graduated from Taylor University in May of that year, specifically 1977, and Mary was back […]

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The One…

October 14, 2022

“What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the other ninety-nine in the open pasture and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?” (Luke 15:4, NASB) The one. Jesus made the strategy exceptionally clear. Pursuit of the lost. But namelessly. Simply, the […]

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East Troublesome…

October 7, 2022

On October 23rd, 2020, a massive and explosive forest fire crossed the border into Rocky Mountain National Park. The fire had been started just about a week before near Kremling, Colorado. But parched conditions, a ferocious wind, and beetle-infested pines all provided the perfect storm. The fire, the second largest in Colorado history, was called […]

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A Putin Pay Cut

September 23, 2022

It was seven years ago that I wrote the following words about Vladimir Putin.  And frankly, while I don’t have an update on his projected net worth, the world has a more vivid picture of just who this man is. This makes the contrast with the finest teacher who ever walked the planet more stark.  […]

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Hand in hand

September 16, 2022

His was the first day of second grade. A new school. Unfamiliarity in excess. Hers was the start of school. Kindergarten. Again, all new… facilities, instructors, administrators and relationships. New. But as Abe and Juni ventured off to school together on day one, they had something that transcended new. Something that more than equalized the […]

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Queen Elizabeth II has died

September 9, 2022

At 96 years old, and after serving as England’s prime monarch for over 70 years, the Queen passed away.   And as the news breaks, the world seems to recoil. Words like tragic, and unexpected, and devastating emerge. With surprising intensity, dignity, and urgency. It is indisputable that Queen Elizabeth II lived a noteworthy, and […]

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Neighbors From Different Neighborhoods

September 2, 2022

I’m not sure that I can put a firm timeframe together on when our Colorado Community Church “neighborhood” began to assemble, but at the start it coalesced as a community of care for Mary and me as we brought Eunice Cargo, Mary’s 90-year-old Mom, to church with us. We tended to gravitate to a particular […]

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Cosmic FaceTime

August 26, 2022

Picture the scene… a classroom in a vibrant church in the Chicago suburbs. The date is March, 2010, and the context is a Sunday shortly after the death of my Mom. Grace Wolgemuth was a regular attender at the church, and loved by all who knew her. Ruth Guillaume, my sister, was interacting with a […]

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