What if…

April 15, 2022

Over the years as Mary and I reflect on another anniversary, we are drawn to a question that illuminates gratitude and humility in our souls. It’s not an easy question, but worthwhile. It started with something like… “What would my life be like today if I had not married you?”  This question fuels the engine […]

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Forty-four Year Ago Today

April 8, 2022

April 8th. The year was 1978. I was two weeks away from turning 23, and Mary was a couple months from being 22. Kids. Especially in today’s math. Franklin, Michigan. A small, but classic church with a center aisle. In anticipation of this day, I had written a small tribute that I planned to recite […]

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Breaking News

April 1, 2022

Have you noticed? Nearly every newscast starts with some variation on this “Breaking News” theme. Do you remember when “Breaking News” meant… well, breaking news? In an atmosphere that is cluttered with stories, and headlines, and Tweets, and Posts, and Podcasts, something has to push to the front of the line. “Breaking News” is that […]

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Study this Book of Instruction continually…

March 18, 2022

Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” “See that no one leads you […]

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Dear Mr. Putin – It’s me again…

March 11, 2022

Since my last letter, I’ve thought often of you. Not surprisingly, so has the rest of the world. And with good reason. Your thirst for power, and your willingness to put the planet on edge has propelled you to the front page of every newspaper in the world.  Most of us are wondering what motivates […]

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Dear Mr. Putin –

March 4, 2022

Even as I type this salutation, I am drawn to the time when Moses approached Pharaoh on behalf of his people. On behalf of God’s people. Perhaps you have heard this story.  Yet, Mr. Putin, unlike Moses and Egypt… your weapons of war are ominously different, but the oppression, control, hatred and power are very […]

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The Match of Hope

February 25, 2022

September 16th, 2021… Mary and I bought tickets to explore the famous Quincy Mine in Hancock, Michigan. A living textbook. A journey into the history of Mary’s family. Copper mining. Our tour included a hike into the depths of a restored mine shaft, and at the culmination of this hike our guide instructed us to […]

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Baptized with Words

February 18, 2022

As the light dimmed over a day in late January in downtown Kansas City, I held my cellphone tightly to my ear. It was 2002, and I don’t remember precisely what kind of phone I was using, but I know that it afforded me the opportunity to hear the voice of my father for the […]

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February 11, 2022

 Yes, corrugated cardboard is a part of nearly all of our lives these days, in large proportion. Online shopping and home delivery have required more boxes than ever before. All shapes and sizes. All designed to contain and protect the contents. Boxes… Perhaps the rush toward home delivery and shipping containers has leaked into our […]

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Silas, Unhindered

February 4, 2022

Jake Bland is a trusted friend, and my successor at Youth For Christ USA. He’s a man who not only champions our mission, but stewards the vital role that he plays, along with his wife Ali, for the care of their young family. Enter Silas… Jake and Ali’s six-year-old son. Their oldest. In so many […]

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