“Well, do you know how to wrestle?”

August 13, 2021

*Dan is away for a summer sabbatical – a time of rest, rejuvenation and reverence.  Please enjoy one of our favorite Friday Fragments.  This Fragment was initially published on January 27, 2017. Rowan, our three-year-old grandson, posed the question to Mary as she invited input on plans for the afternoon at our house. I have […]

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Soft Clay

July 23, 2021

*Dan is away for a summer sabbatical – a time of rest, rejuvenation and reverence.  Please enjoy one of our favorite Friday Fragments.  This Fragment was initially published on May 5, 2017. Words are the soft clay that get formed into either useful or destructive purposes. I know this. I hear this. I am this. […]

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Key Lime Pie

July 16, 2021

*Dan is away for a summer sabbatical – a time of rest, rejuvenation and reverence.  Please enjoy one of our favorite Friday Fragments.  This Fragment was initially published on February 18, 2011. “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no […]

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Dear July

July 9, 2021

*Dan is away for a summer sabbatical – a time of rest, rejuvenation and reverence.  Please enjoy one of our favorite Friday Fragments.  This Fragment was initially published on June 29, 2018. Welcome back, dear friend. I’m looking forward to being with you soon. There’s always been something very special about you, but this year, […]

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July 2, 2021

              O LORD, how many are my foes!                              Many are rising against me;               many are saying of my soul,                              “There is no salvation for him in God.” Selah (Psalm 3:1–2) Selah… Over seventy times in the book of Psalms the word is used. Selah. While the […]

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History and a Lifelong Lesson

June 18, 2021

It was early in the morning of April 17, 1978 when Mary and I walked into our apartment on 1815 ½ Street, in Fort Wayne, IN. Actually, it was more like the middle of the night. Much to our surprise, soon after we walked up the very steep steps to our second-floor abode, the phone […]

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Glory to God… and Uninvited Guests

June 4, 2021

In a way that only the Spirit of God can orchestrate… we adjusted our plans. Actually, our sleeping configuration. The night was June 7th, 2020. Almost exactly a year ago. The pandemic was raging. Racial tensions at a boiling point. Economic uncertainty loomed. Political rhetoric was being hurled about with toxic results… but none of […]

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Dave Dunbar – In the Transition Zone

May 28, 2021

They called it Bikathon, and for me, the event provided a fitting crescendo to the end of another school year. I was a college Sophomore when I rode for the first time in May of 1975. Each class assembled a team of riders who had been preparing for the months that preceded the big event. […]

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Carpe Diem

May 21, 2021

Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself. (John 6:15) He was about to go viral. His popularity was soaring. The campaign pledges were skyrocketing… KING! The miracle worker. The bread breaker. The fish multiplier. The brilliant teacher. […]

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Christine C. Currie 1/31/1979 – 4/23/2021

April 30, 2021

Tucked neatly in the closing verses of Acts 8 is a compelling and beautiful story. A gem, hidden between Stephen, the first biblical martyr, and the conversion of Saul. It’s the story of the Apostle Philip and a dark-skinned Gentile from Ethiopia. A nameless lost soul, on a journey home… with questions to be answered. […]

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