In the Middle of the Ashes

February 6, 2024

The call flashed on an iPhone screen. A recognized name, at an unexpected time. A neighbor, and a reliable source. Questions rushed as voices connected. “Your house is on fire, and I’ve called 911.” A house that had been a renovation project for the last three years. An investment of time, money, sweat, and dreams. […]

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Casa Bonita… again!

January 19, 2024

It was March 25, 1974, when Bill Waugh opened the doors to Denver’s Casa Bonita for the first time. Waugh had opened several restaurant locations, but his Lakewood, Colorado location would become legendary. I remember hearing about it for the first time from family members who were in awe of the meal and cliff diving […]

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“And why are you anxious about clothing?”

January 12, 2024

A new year. Fresh starts. And yes, more courageous evaluations of current priorities. In fact, we generally start a new year with what Mary calls, The Purge. This is where we freeze, gift, or discard any remaining food items that no longer fit into our “get thinner, get fit” New Year’s plan. What I’ve discovered […]

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More than a drill…

January 5, 2024

Baby boomers will remember. I certainly do. As I suppose this current generation will as well. Specifically, I’m speaking of the “drills” that took, and take place in school classrooms around the country. Frankly, these drills provide a slit through which I can catch a glimpse into our culture, history and current events. In the […]

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Best Supporting Role – Luke 1 Continued

December 22, 2023

During the month I’ve spent a great deal of time considering the vital role of Zachariah and Mary to the birth narrative of Jesus. Their historic position in the story is a foundational building block to the efficacy of our redemption position.  And now, as we move toward Luke 2, I am focused on omission, […]

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The Tale of Two Questions – Luke 1 Continued…

December 15, 2023

And Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.” (Luke 1:18) And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34, ESV) In the months that preceded the birth of Jesus, the angel […]

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Maternity Coverage on Medicare – Luke 1 Continued…

December 8, 2023

Shortly after Luke commits to writing an accurate and orderly account of the life of Jesus, he introduces us to Zachariah, and then to his wife Elizabeth. The carefully chosen words of description about this couple would be a sacred endorsement to anyone. “And they were both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the […]

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More Than An Onramp

December 1, 2023

It seemed providential. Right as we enter the 2023 Advent season, I’m landing in the book of Luke in my regular Bible readings. On closer inspection, page 857 in my ESV Bible shows as much wear as any page in my Bible. That’s Luke 2. A chapter that carries the heading… The Birth of Jesus […]

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Seeds and a Scoop

November 17, 2023

“Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” (Matthew 6:26, ESV) Retirement from full-time employment has afforded me the opportunity to engage in a few routine activities around the house. This includes the care and feeding of our winged neighbors […]

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November 12, 2023

Over the six years of Juni’s life (our 10th grandchild), we’ve received many tender and wonderful pictures of her. But the image I received this week moved me in a very different way. Perhaps, if you’re like me, you’re struggling a bit to decode the letter that Juni hand scribed. Let me help… Dear Veteran […]

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