A $450.3 Million Jesus

November 17, 2017

Perhaps you saw the story. An original Leonardo da Vinci painting sold this week for $450.3 million. The painting is titled, “ Salvator Mundi,” which means, Savior of the World. The painting shows Christ, in Renaissance dress, giving a benediction with His raised right hand and crossed fingers while holding a crystal sphere in His left hand. […]

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November 13, 2017

Power “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12, ESV) “Well, at four years old I lost my dad… and my story really unfolds from there.” Jeff Ross […]

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His Wounds, Our Balm

November 3, 2017

Going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”  (Matthew 26:39) I remember vividly the days when our three children would struggle with a variety of illnesses.  Often it was my […]

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Unlikely – The Sequel

October 27, 2017

It was a week ago that I confessed openly the unlikeliness of my being on the platform at Bethel Gospel Assembly in Harlem, New York for a panel discussion on the mass incarceration of youth. http://www.yfc.net/friday-fragments/unlikely So here’s what happened. An amazing spontaneous unanimous standing ovation happened. In fact, over the 24-hour conference, this standing […]

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October 20, 2017

On Saturday morning I will step onto the platform of Bethel Gospel Assembly Church in Harlem. I will be speaking along with several others to a group of roughly 1,000 Movement Day NYC participants. The topic for the morning, Mass Incarceration & the Plight of our Urban Youth. Even as I type these words I’m […]

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October 13, 2017

“He’s the joy of my life.” The words exploded from the lips of Nick Wallace. Nick is a friend and a member of the Taylor University Board of Trustees. His reflective words were about his 26-year-old son, Ben. Joy. A son. A beautiful script. A father’s love. Expressed openly and emphatically. But there’s more. So […]

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Journey Towards Vulnerability

October 6, 2017

Periodically I write for a dad serving website called dadcraft.com. Today, one of my posts landed on the site. I wanted to share it with my Fragments list as well. Read it as a confession and a vision. Whether I was aware of it or not, I often found myself as a dad navigating my […]

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Six Days and Counting

September 29, 2017

Don’t tell the Chamber of Commerce, but Denver is in the middle of a weather funk that I’ve not seen before. Six days and counting. September should bring seventy degrees and sunshine. Frankly, nearly every day in Denver delivers sunshine… but not the past six days. The skies have pulled a grey blanket of clouds […]

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Drawing My Own Mushroom

September 15, 2017

Kellen is a seven-year-old. He’s the bright and inquisitive grandson of my twin sister. Last week Kellen, his parents and his two siblings stayed at our home for several days. During the course of his visit, Mary tapped her “grandma resources” and introduced Kellen to our Hidden Picture book collection. These are essentially workbooks that […]

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August 25, 2017

He is jealous for me, loves like a hurricane, I am a tree Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy When all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions Eclipsed by glory and I realize just how beautiful You are And how great Your affections are for me And oh, how […]

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