The Keys to the Kingdom

April 15, 2016

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  (Matthew 16:19) Recently in the course of racing from a conference call to an appointment, I found myself digging in my pocket […]

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“I Need Help”

April 8, 2016

It was just about two weeks ago that our daughter and son-in-law welcomed a 10-month-old into their home. I’ll call him JB. In fact, JB was not only welcomed by Alli and Chris, but by Desmond (5) and Abe (1-1/2 ). JB joined us for Easter and a family birthday celebration, even as he merged into […]

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You Messed With the Wrong Person

April 1, 2016

On September 11, 2001… time stood still. Our country stopped. Planes quit flying. A hideous enemy struck with devastating force and wonderful, innocent, unsuspecting people died. But while the metal of the World Trade Center melted into a molten pool, so too the resolve and commitment of a disconnected and fragmented people came together. A […]

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Beyond a Hero

March 24, 2016

Against the backdrop of focused evil, heroes emerge. Names surface from the ashes. Individuals step in harms way on behalf of others. From Brussels, to Paris, to Columbine… heroes. Brave and strong. Courageous and committed. Raising a fist to injustice and prejudice and hatred. Standing in the gap. Blood- splattered photographs expose the risk. Funerals […]

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Cling to What is Good

March 18, 2016

This week Mary and I participated in a half-day marriage seminar. The presentation and conversation propelled me to a moment… to an instant… to an experience that took place in a hospital room on July 14, 2012. Mary was four days removed from a serious cycling accident. A skilled and seasoned Orthopedic surgeon had meticulously […]

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Squeezing the Gospel Out of Every Orange He Grows

March 11, 2016

I had never met Charles before, but his warmth and gentle kindness traversed the years with ease. We were seated next to each other at a Youth For Christ fundraising banquet in central Florida. The room was full. The energy was high. It was because of the generosity of Charles and his wife that 400 […]

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Bill Eakin… the perfect art critic

March 4, 2016

Creative juices splashed across the canvas with thoughtful intent. No brush stroke wasted, no colors misplaced. The artist stands in circumspect silence. Reflecting on the effort. Remembering the inspiration. Anticipating the reaction of the critics who will evaluate the magnitude of the work. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ […]

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The Gate and the Golden Rule

February 26, 2016

Revisited Enter by the narrow gate.  For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. ~ Matthew 7:13, 14 He had […]

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Right at General Electric; Wrong on Love

February 15, 2016

a zero–sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which each participant’s gain (or loss) of utility is exactly balanced by the losses (or gains) of the utility of the other participant(s). Welcome to leadership in the Jack Welch era of General Electric. I lived it. I performed inside of it. At the outset, this […]

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Amazing God

February 5, 2016

And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, “Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty!  Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations!”  (Revelation 15:3) At precisely 4:10 last Thursday, I was amazed by something that happened.  It’s […]

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