Less Precision, More Jesus

April 12, 2013

On my desk I have a calculator.  It’s a solar powered calculator with simple functions and big numbers.  I use it for a lot of things… and it has never let me down.  It adds and subtracts with great precision.  Rarely would I need it to multiply or divide, but it would do those operations […]

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Quotes, Worship and the Power of Words

April 5, 2013

Several weeks ago I wrote a friend about what I had been observing in the mission of Youth for Christ/USA.  It was a short email, but focused and significant to me. Within a few hours I received an email reply from my friend.  The third sentence of this email contained the following: “The prevailing tone […]

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Start Early

March 28, 2013

The deafening roar was interrupted as the Southwest Airlines 737 rumbled down the runway at Denver International Airport. This is typically a moment reserved for the language of power… but voices overshadowed what the thrust of GE engines was producing. The source of the competing noise was a women’s softball team from Whitworth University in […]

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I Am…

March 22, 2013

“Hi. I’m Buzz Lightyear.” – Desmond (our two-year-old), to random strangers everywhere. Early this morning my son-in-law posted this entry on Facebook.  Desmond is our two-year-old grandson and he’s not alone in his bold “I am” declarations. Desmond joins the ranks of his cousins in glorious projections: Graham – 3 years old and Batman to […]

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Only in Dry Dock… Never at Sea

March 15, 2013

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! (Psalm 139:17)  As Mary and I wandered the roads on the north bank of Oahu, Hawaii, I couldn’t help but notice the many boats in dry dock along our route.  These were boats that appeared to be perched in […]

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I Can’t Help But Wonder

March 8, 2013

The report was bleak, the morale was worse… “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we are… The land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants…”  (Numbers 13:31, 32) Why is it that Christians are often pessimists about […]

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From the Bottom of the Boot

March 1, 2013

“My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.” John 10:10b NLT The snow was flying and blowing in blizzard proportion.  Undaunted by the conditions, several of our kids and grandkids ventured over to our house for a family dinner. Opening the front door was an invitation for winter to invade, but when there […]

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Family Resemblance

February 22, 2013

Two weeks ago Mary and I were in Orlando for an event. In this case it was a seminar where I had no active role in preparation or execution. Instead, this was a gathering where my brother, Robert, was the emcee. This is a function that he’s performed for years for this group. Consequently, many […]

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All Creatures… Really

February 15, 2013

I don’t pretend to know what moved the heart of Saint Francis of Assisi when he penned the words of “All Creatures of our God and King,” but I do know that the power of his inspiration rolled fresh across my soul as I stood beside the massive Atlantic Ocean several days ago. All creatures; […]

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God Knows, God Understands, God Changes Everything… Reflections on Super Bowl 47

February 8, 2013

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (Matthew 25:40) Over 100 million people tuned into the football game between San Francisco and Baltimore last Sunday.  I joined the throng. I have enjoyed this […]

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