“Everything Means Everything”

September 23, 2011

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11a (ESV) Everything? Beautiful? Really? Certainly… flowers and babies and weddings and birthdays and love and families and answered prayers and transformed lives and… But what about failure and disappointment and pain and suffering and rebellion… and can I say it… cancer? Beautiful in its […]

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September 15, 2011

When our three kids were young I established a Christmas tradition that involved a special gift to each of them. I called it “Daddy Gifts,” and I distributed them immediately after all of the other gifts had been unwrapped. These were gifts I had purchased on my own. Of particular note was the Daddy Gift […]

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Behind every storm…

September 2, 2011

We had just started to lay out our campsite. The tents were unpacked and the assembly technique was determined… and then the rain came. And then the hail. We sat in the car and watched. A gap in the weather gave us the window we needed to finish our site construction and we were settled […]

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Peach Season…

August 26, 2011

“For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by its own fruit. The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good…” ~ Luke 6:43-44 (ESV) I always thought that peaches were a Midwest fruit. I’ve enjoyed many great […]

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A Dangerous Weapon that made it through Security

August 19, 2011

With the precision and accuracy of a seasoned sniper, the passenger in the middle seat of row six directed his caustic words at the Southwest flight attendant. Consistent and turbulent air had made it inadvisable for the attendants to service the cabin of the Boeing 737, but that was insufficient rational for the middle-aged man. […]

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We have no idea…

August 15, 2011

I scooped Malia into my arms as if my heart had a powerful magnet in it. My three-year-old granddaughter is vibrant, full of imagination, and exceedingly comfortable in the arms of her Pops. Malia’s mind danced and raced even as her lips battled to keep pace. She told me stories… some based in fact, some […]

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“News from the front…”

August 5, 2011

This week I received an email update from one of my team members that was titled “News from the front.” This military reference set the stage for an update about our staff that ministers to middle school and high school students in a camp in Oregon. What followed was a detailed account of places where […]

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“Baseball is dead… and other Denver realities”

July 29, 2011

Denver professional sports franchises have been a perpetual disappointment… particularly over the past twelve months. Lofty expectations have landed abruptly, burdened with unfulfilled expectations. The weight of hope has overwhelmed the power of performance. Sound familiar? It happens in nearly every city across our country, and likely around the world. I have noticed that instead […]

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“Ella Vador”

July 22, 2011

At 7:40am, on Tuesday, July 19, Button became Tess Dani Wolgemuth. The prenatal name given to this little girl months ago was transitioned to a lifelong name that her parents deliberated over for many months. Instantly this name fit her… Tess tipped the scale at 4 pounds 8 ounces; and although tiny, she is healthy […]

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“Where were you?”

July 15, 2011

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?” (Job 38:4) A Thursday morning prenatal doctor’s appointment didn’t go as planned for Kendal, our daughter-in-law. An overly quiet technician was an early warning that concerns about the size of our granddaughter would require a doctor’s voice. Kendal sensed it… Minutes later Dr. Towzer […]

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