“Out of sight… not really!”

November 11, 2011

Last week I ventured back into a 10’ by 10’ space in my basement that has been built out as a bathroom. I have a sink, a shower, the plumbing for a toilet and nice light fixtures all in place. But for months this space has functioned only as a storage area since there is […]

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November 4, 2011
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Ushered to the Throne

October 28, 2011

Quite often, as a function of the role that I play, I am ushered to the front of a room in order to facilitate a pending entrance onto a platform or stage. Most recently this happened at Taylor University where I spoke at chapel… in fact, they even had my name printed and attached to […]

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“From Powell’s to the Prophet”

October 21, 2011

An extra couple of hours in Portland before a scheduled flight allowed Mary and me to visit the famous Powell’s Bookstore in downtown Portland. We parked within a block of the store and then walked to Burnside Street where we got our first view of the store. To say that the façade and general appearance […]

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“Do you?”

October 14, 2011

At the end of last weekend I endeavored to check an important item off of my “To Do” list at home… that was updating our Last Will & Testament. It had been several years since we had last officially visited the topic. I used a standard template to formulate responses to the questions that needed […]

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PAUL – Russia

September 30, 2011

A hand slipped onto my shoulder in compliance with a request from the stage that conference participants pray for an individual from North America, South America or the Caribbean. We had traveled the globe in prayer during the course of the week as Youth for Christ directors from around the world gathered in Denver. Nearly […]

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“Everything Means Everything”

September 23, 2011

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11a (ESV) Everything? Beautiful? Really? Certainly… flowers and babies and weddings and birthdays and love and families and answered prayers and transformed lives and… But what about failure and disappointment and pain and suffering and rebellion… and can I say it… cancer? Beautiful in its […]

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September 15, 2011

When our three kids were young I established a Christmas tradition that involved a special gift to each of them. I called it “Daddy Gifts,” and I distributed them immediately after all of the other gifts had been unwrapped. These were gifts I had purchased on my own. Of particular note was the Daddy Gift […]

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Behind every storm…

September 2, 2011

We had just started to lay out our campsite. The tents were unpacked and the assembly technique was determined… and then the rain came. And then the hail. We sat in the car and watched. A gap in the weather gave us the window we needed to finish our site construction and we were settled […]

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Peach Season…

August 26, 2011

“For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by its own fruit. The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good…” ~ Luke 6:43-44 (ESV) I always thought that peaches were a Midwest fruit. I’ve enjoyed many great […]

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