No Match for the Light

June 10, 2011

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5) Albert Callaway was my neighbor on Park Avenue in Wheaton, Illinois. He was the only boy in the neighborhood, and although we were different on many fronts, he was my friend. I remember quite vividly talking to Albert about Jesus. […]

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“In the fog I saw clearly…”

June 6, 2011

It was an uncharacteristically foggy morning when Mary, Erik and I went cycling last weekend. We were getting our bodies conditioned for the upcoming Elephant Rock ride in Castle Rock, Colorado this weekend. The “ERock” will present a 100-mile challenge that contains many, many hills. Frankly, the anticipation of the nearly 5,900 feet of elevation […]

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May 20, 2011

“For you, O Lord, are my hope…” (Psalm 71:5a) We were on final approach into the Indianapolis Airport and the layer of clouds below the Southwest Airlines 737 grew closer and closer. We were just minutes away from our scheduled arrival time as the pilot banked the aircraft boldly to our left. As he did […]

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The Lesson of the Ponderosa Pine

May 16, 2011

The developers of our neighborhood did their very best to preserve the native Ponderosa Pine trees that are scattered across eastern Colorado. Any building lot that has one of these beautiful pine trees garners a premium price. We don’t have any! About two blocks from our house there is a fantastic cluster of these trees […]

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“What is that to you?”

May 6, 2011

“…what is that to you? You follow me!” (John 21:22b) Our presentation was just hours away and the flutter in our stomachs gave proof that this was important… to all of us. I’d done several ministry presentations in the past that highlighted our urban City Life ministry, but Tuesday was going to be the first […]

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The King is getting Married…

May 2, 2011

Okay, so Prince William isn’t a king… not yet, but he most certainly is getting married, and the effort of his country and the focus of the world swirl around this historic event. The preparation has been meticulous on every front. Westminster Abbey is ready. The groom is ready. And the bride… yes, the bride […]

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“Come This Way”

April 25, 2011

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” ~ 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 (ESV) We were in row 11, my favorite on Southwest […]

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“No Other Brand, No Other Way”

April 18, 2011

“Bags fly free!” “Let’s build something together.” “You’re in good hands.” “More saving. More doing.” “The ultimate driving machine.” “Imagination at work.” Slogans.  Powerful, short descriptors of an organization, a brand or a product. The cross. Holy Week. The pinnacle. The culmination. The fulfillment. Atonement. Unmatched.  Distinctive. Powerful. Transformational. In suffering, liberty. In pain, freedom. […]

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The Seven-Mile Challenge

April 8, 2011

I used to anticipate a cycling adventure, regardless of the length, and would often shoot from my driveway with a passion to excel and a desire to outperform previous workout statistics… enter early fatigue, a gut-wrenching biking experience, and a riding adventure that was grueling instead of stimulating. I began to realize that if I […]

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103 E. Desolate Place

April 1, 2011

This weekend Mary and I will load our bikes in our 2002 Chrysler Town and Country and head off for a few days.  This break coincides with our anniversary so it’s perfect timing. I’ve scoped out the destination, and made reservations at the hotel… but a couple of days ago Mary upped the ante. Without looking to […]

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