Family Resemblance

November 23, 2009

Wednesday evening, after a day of driving and flying, I arrived at home. My payoff for several days of non-stop activities was waiting… my family, including all three of our grandchildren. The evening afforded me the opportunity to hold our newest granddaughter. Davey Elizabeth Wolgemuth is a 7 pound work of art born on November […]

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November 13, 2009

A couple days in Denver and unseasonably beautiful weather and Mary and I were on our bikes for a Saturday ride. It was wonderful to pedal around the Aurora Reservoir side by side. The culmination of our ride is a final quarter mile incline that takes us to a stoplight close to our house. It […]

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November 6, 2009

Irv Polk was 74 years old when he died. By most accounts a full life and well within the borders of traditional life expectancy. But quite honestly, 74 seemed like a life cut short. Then again, I’m not sure that with the kind of life that Irv lived that any age would have been adequate. […]

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Lost Sheep

October 30, 2009

Little Bo Peep Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep, And can’t tell where to find them. Leave them alone, and they’ll come home Wagging their tails behind them. Nursery rhymes have become a mainstay of our reading resources for Malia, our 22- month-old granddaughter. Today, as she listened intently to the occupational challenges that […]

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October 16, 2009

At precisely 10:45 yesterday morning, I was amazed by something that happened. It’s not particularly important what exactly amazed me… just that God, in His own, unmistakable and unpredictable way, broke through my routine and interrupted my expectations with something well beyond my ability to ask or comprehend. God is incredible. Unconventional. Unhurried. God. To […]

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Doing What's Important

October 9, 2009

I’ve been to rental car counters a great deal over the last four and a half years… in fact, three times this week. But today, at Midway Airport in Chicago, something unexpected provided a measure of inspiration and perspective that was significant. It was at the precise moment where my patience was at its breaking […]

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Understanding God's Plan

October 5, 2009

Graham Marc Wolgemuth pushed his way into the hands of the waiting gynecologist and into the welcome embrace of his mother and father with all of the fortitude that his created design could muster. The systems inside his seven pound body were tested immediately as his lungs heaved, then billowed in animated fashion. His dialect […]

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Sonic Boom

September 25, 2009

Buckley Air Force Base is 12 miles from our house. This means that frequently we are on the flight pattern for fighter jets that are taking off. The roar is unmistakable; powerful and fierce. While the noise created from the powerful jet engines is captivating, the visual image of the airplane is illusive. The reason […]

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22 Phone Numbers

September 18, 2009

22 phone numbers… Gareth works in the juvenile detention centers in Denver. Sometimes as a chaplain, sometimes as a mentor, sometimes as a friend… always as a committed follower of Jesus with a heart to reach the least and the lost. Yesterday, Gareth relayed a story. It’s an unfinished story. In fact, it’s messy and […]

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September 11, 2009

Most of us have been a witness to a gifted athlete savoring a significant accomplishment with a protracted pause. A baseball player whose position remains fixed at home plate after he clobbers a significant home run. A young tennis player who stands on the baseline after hitting the match-winning top spin passing shot. The wide […]

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