
September 4, 2009

Light, not varnish. That’s what God’s Word provides. An illuminated path, not an artificial landscape. Solid, not veneer. Pain, disappointment, rejection, and difficult real life decisions mark that journey through the Bible. No façade. No spin. No punches pulled. As a milestone along the way, I’ve come to the book of Ruth. It’s inconspicuously tucked […]

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The Key

August 28, 2009

Yesterday, in the course of racing from a conference call to an appointment, I found myself digging in my pocket for the keys that would give me access to a rental car and a hotel room.  When I arrived at an office complex where I had a meeting, a bar-coded name badge gave me the […]

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August 14, 2009

The following Fragment is something that I constructed two years ago… but frankly, I needed to move back into it again today. Selah… This Hebrew word appears 70 times in the book of Psalms, and although there is some debate about the precise meaning, it’s universally agreed that the term applies the musical construct of […]

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August 7, 2009

Sam Wolgemuth loved Grace. There was absolutely nothing that we did as children that ignited more of a response from my father than some act of defiance or disrespect directed at Grace.  He loved my mother deeply and respectfully; and he expected nothing less from us. Together they had grown up in an era where […]

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28 Miles

July 31, 2009

Before trips were marked by MapQuest, Google maps, Yahoo maps, or elaborate GPS devices, I had the unique opportunity to mark one route in particular with memories as rich and inspirational as anything that secured the outside edges of my personal foundation. This journey was repeated many, many times in my life. It was 28 […]

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Be a Doer

July 17, 2009

My father was not a man that bagged his lawn clippings. This thought raced through my head yesterday as I walked behind my own mower.  I had spent significant time walking behind a mower at 103 East Park in Wheaton, Illinois where my father was the “foreman” of the job. Sam had grown up on […]

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A Glimpse

July 10, 2009

It was mid-afternoon on Monday when I rambled into Floyd’s 99 Barbershop at the corner of Arapahoe and Parker Road. This Denver franchise is quite a place, and locations are springing up all over the city. There was no line, so I took the first available barber, an Asian woman. I gave her a few […]

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Tell Him

June 26, 2009

Even Elijah… The courageous servant of God. The man that God fed with the ravens. The man that God used to raise the son of a widow from the dead. The prophet that went toe to toe with 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah. The man that called down the consuming power […]

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Odometers and Jackrabbits

June 19, 2009

It’s a matter of odometers and jack rabbits. I’m afraid that the statement above in many ways characterizes the core difference between my wife and me. Within two miles of our house is the Aurora Reservoir. It provides a perfect eight mile paved loop on which we have ridden our bikes many miles. The nicely […]

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My First BBFD

June 12, 2009

Yes. Yes. I feel compelled to start my Friday Fragments this week with answers to the two outstanding questions that got raised in my previous two Friday reflections… so, yes, Mary and I were able to complete the Elephant Rock Bike Ride (and I was courageous enough to go slow when I needed to), and […]

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