When the Church is the Church

September 29, 2006

The serenity of a small mountain community was replaced on Wednesday with the horror and fear of violence and uncertainty.  The town of Bailey, Colorado, which is located just west of Denver, was rocked by the invasion of a single gunman who marched into Platte Canyon High School and took six teenaged girls hostage. Four […]

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September 22, 2006

It was the 17th of September, a crisp, clear, brilliant Denver day… and we were driving north toward Colorado Community Church.  It was good to be home, and there was something fresh and beautiful about the morning. Unrestricted views are the byproduct of the high desert that defines this part of the country, and a […]

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September 14, 2006

Over the past seventeen months I have witnessed many airport reunions. I’ve seen signs, balloons, matching clothing, flowers and many other variations in between. I’ve watched the anticipation. I’ve even, on occasion, felt the flood of emotion splash over me as I’ve observed a military family greet a husband/father/son/grandson/friend that has come home from serving […]

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The Light Shines

September 8, 2006

It was a blackness that made even the possibility of vision out of the question. We were in the bowels of the earth, exploring Mammoth Cave, and although it was many years ago, I still remember the feeling when the guide extinguished every light in the cave. The darkness was suffocating. The universally accepted definition […]

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A Woman of Grace

September 1, 2006

It was a steady stream of family members that wanted time to share. The evening celebration had been a windstorm of emotion, affirmation, and thanksgiving. So when the opportunity presented itself to expose a personal reflection, many stepped forward. August 30, 2006 was not a celebration of individual achievement. That would have been a party […]

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His Score, My Score

August 26, 2006

My score was a 64… and I was elated. On a beautiful Monday afternoon, I played golf as part of the Denver Youth for Christ annual outing.  The course was perfectly manicured and equally challenging. What made the day, and more specifically, the score of 8 under par possible, was the foursome that I was […]

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A Stone’s Throw

August 18, 2006

On Tuesday night of this past week I fulfilled a baseball “to do” on my list of parks to visit… Yankee Stadium.  What a blast.  As we crossed the 161st Street bridge and approached the stadium, I noticed a small, open and grass covered area just adjacent to the ballpark.   In the modest green space […]

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The Compassion of Jesus

August 11, 2006

Compassion is inconvenient and often intrusive.  It lays claim to our attention and engages our heart.  It suggests, in unavoidable terms, that we get involved. It climbs the sharp cliffs of selflessness. This is the pattern of Jesus, and it was often demonstrated at the pinnacle of demand; when Jesus was the most obliged to […]

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Friends and Enemies

July 28, 2006

I love my friends. In fact, last weekend I spent time with some of my closest and most faithful friends… many of whom are family as well.  These individuals are loyal, wise, and trusted.  They know my weaknesses and strengths.  They know how to pick me up when I’m down, and how to celebrate with me as well.  It is […]

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Wedding Day

July 21, 2006

Kendal Brooke Emery. That’s the name that Marc and Jill gave their newborn daughter in July of 1984 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Since that moment in time Kendal has grown, explored, learned and dreamed. In fact, she has developed into a beautiful young woman that God has, and is using. At present, Kendal is in Grand […]

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