Before the Ovations

by DanWolgemuth on May 18, 2012

The program started at 7:30 – it was billed as a Celebration of a Legacy. Inside the walls of a college theater the University did its best to pay tribute to Dr. Stephen S. Bedi, the retiring Provost at Taylor University.

The program was loaded with warmth, honor, credential, and testimony to the academic, spiritual, organizational, and personal quality that characterizes Dr. Bedi. No less that twenty individuals with doctoral degrees participated and eleven without them. Two and a half hours after the opening piano selections, the benediction concluded.

It was long, but fitting.

As the words and tributes mounded, my mind raced to a measure that went unmentioned; a deeply personal measure. Nine years ago Dr. Bedi invested his considerable wisdom, insights, values and beliefs into my son Andrew, a senior at Taylor at the time.

So as I listened to the accolades and accomplishments, they were built upon a singular and seemingly selfish platform – “you took care of my son.”

I laughed, and clapped, and stood in honor at the right moments – but always with the knowledge that while I was miles and miles away; while my voice was muted; while my values were obscured… Dr. Bedi took care of my son.

Then, in a whisper, while the words of the benediction still floated in the air, I sensed the language of my Heavenly Father in simple and reflective tones –

  • Before the grand accomplishments
  • Before the acquisition of knowledge
  • Before the accolades of peers
  • Before ovations

… He simply wants to know if I have taken care of His Son.

Before I make much of anything, I must make much of Jesus. Before I stand tall, I must fall at Jesus feet. Before a legacy… I must take care of His Son.

Our first effort to take care of God’s Son did not go well.

We rejected, and ignored, and misunderstood, and maligned, and abandoned God’s Son. But now, in light of His considerable mercy God extends His grace to me.

Redeemed, reconciled, restored I am now commissioned to take care of His Son… in my soul, in my family, in my public and private moments.

Is it possible that much like me… God will first measure my legacy by whether I have taken care of His Son? Tonight I heard the answer.

Before the ovations…

Making much of Jesus.

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John Sagherian May 19, 2012 at 2:17 AM

Interestingly, these days I’m reading through “God in the Flesh” by Don Everts, after my morning devotions. It’s so easy to get caught up in everything else we’re doing “for Him”, of course, that we forget that it’s all about Jesus, His Son.

Thanks, Dan for the reminder.


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