First Responders

by DanWolgemuth on December 20, 2024

Madison, Wisconsin. Another tragedy. Another unthinkable act of evil.

Our heart aches.

Lives taken, futures impacted, the poison of hatred unleashed.

Into the chaotic mix, into the swirl of uncertainty, first responders were asked to engage. They entered danger on purpose.

We hear the stories frequently. As a civilian, I often take safety and security for granted.

Now, with another vivid example, I express my deep gratitude to those who set aside their personal wellbeing for the sake of others. Sometimes with a weapon drawn, and sometimes with a firehose. Sometimes at an accident scene, and sometimes with an active threat.

First responders. A gift to a civil society. For the common good. Sacrificial living for the sake of others.

In the ancient middle east, the people of Israel waited, and watched. Not for a uniformed officer, but for a Messiah. A rescuer. A liberator. A protector.

A cosmic first responder.

Jesus. Our example of service, sacrifice, commitment and love.

He left His own safety to provide hope for the hopeless. To confront the powers and presence of evil. Personally.

Incredibly, not only did He face evil, but those He came to save rejected Him as well. A remedy dismissed. A rescuer ridiculed. A savior condemned.

Even so, He persisted. Love does what a calling requires. Even against the backdrop of injustice.

Into the fray.

Because we made a mess of what He gave us to steward. Because we were incapable of saving ourselves.

Christmas. The wait is over.

Our ultimate first responder.

Not because we deserved His mercy. But because of His love and obedience to His Father…

Jesus entered. Jesus came.

His weapon, grace. His motivation, love. His plan, redemption. His goal, restoration.

Christmas. Because there was and is an active threat.

Jesus. Our only hope. Our guiding light.

In His mercy. He came.

To every first responder, we owe a debt of gratitude. To Christ, we owe our very lives.

A sobering word for Christmas. A solemn reminder of what our brokenness requires. This is the only way to find hope in the chaos. Yes, joy in the season…


By Jesus.

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