“The World Itself Could Not Contain”

by DanWolgemuth on May 23, 2014

An early breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Gas City, Indiana, afforded me the opportunity to listen, learn and savor time with Jay Kesler.  Jay is a trusted friend, a wise advisor, and a man of Godly depth.  I love him.  He served as the President of Youth for Christ/USA from 1973 to 1985, so he speaks with knowledge and experience into my life.

Somewhere between a bite of egg and my second piece of bacon, as Jay was pondering the public understanding of the impact of YFC in communities, he lamented the fact that our name is not widely known.  Then with the thoughtful pause of a sage and statesman, Jay said, “It could be that only God is watching what YFC is doing.”

“Only God is watching.”

A comprehensive rebranding effort; a focused Marketing Committee on our national board; a deliberate strategy to disclose the story… yet maybe, just maybe, it’s only God who knows.

A late night walk over twelve hours later pushed an unrealized reality into my soul.  While the first four books of the New Testament disclose some important details about the life of Jesus, practically speaking they overlook the first thirty years of His life.  And then there’s the three years of intense ministry… I’m fooling myself to think that every act of charity, every work of grace, every display of power, every tear He shed is disclosed in the Gospels.  There were moments and conversations and miracles and encounters where only God was watching; where the pen didn’t move and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit chose silence.

Perhaps this is what John was pointing to at the end of his Gospel when he writes:

Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. (John 21:25)

Undocumented but not unknown.

Once again, Jesus shows us the way.  To faithfulness without recognition.  To ministry without a megaphone.  To compassion without public relations.

Maybe, just maybe, only God is watching.

And in classic Jay Kesler style, his body language and wisdom pointed to the simple reality that this is more than enough.

Always, and sometimes only, God is watching.

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