
August 19, 2022

Just, Emmie. As summer begins to retreat, some days more willingly than others, I’m prone to reflect on this past season. Perhaps a throwback to the years of reporting to my classmates at Whittier Elementary School in Wheaton on my summer activities. This summer was punctuated by significant time with our eleven grandchildren. Seldom all […]

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Does Jesus Know Sign Language?

August 5, 2022

The video rolled… all 3 minutes and 53 seconds of it. Watch the video here, Deaf Teen Quest – Ajah’s Story. It told a story. Actually, several stories. Of a mission, of a message, of a passion for the overlooked and silenced. Ellen Kameraad was the storyteller. But there was no mistake that it was […]

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I Got It Wrong, or Did I?

July 22, 2022

For years I’ve enjoyed quoting Thomas Friedman in his noteworthy book, The World Is Flat. Nearing the end of this work he sets the criteria from which to judge the worth of a culture. In essence, Friedman says that you “judge a culture, society, or organization, by whether it has more dreams than memories, or more […]

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Queen Juni

July 15, 2022

Juni and I sat in an exam room, waiting for a doctor to come and give us the treatment options for the weeks ahead. Juni and her three siblings are staying with us for a few days, and a “hill rolling adventure” gone awry had resulted in a broken humerus bone for our 5-year-old granddaughter. […]

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He wept. We weep.

July 1, 2022

But as he came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, he began to weep. (Luke 19:41) “It wouldn’t be so bad if my Mom just smoked pot.” A 12-year-old. A camper at our YFC middle school camp. A throwaway line to a cabin leader who had helped to get this boy to camp. […]

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In the Shadow of the Sanctuary

June 24, 2022

It was a trip down memory lane. But it turned out to be so much more. At the end of a Sabbatical last September, Mary and I made a pilgrimage to some significant family sites for both of us. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan for her… Lancaster, Pennsylvania for me. A small Brethren In Christ […]

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Samuel F. Wolgemuth

June 17, 2022

For Ruth, Sam, Ken, Robert, Debbie and Dan… he is our father. His DNA. His genes. His influence. His impact. Our father. The six of us. Anchored to each other because of a shared father. Yes, mine. But always, ours. A life that connected us. A legacy to steward, to leverage, to remember, to learn […]

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Cosmic Guards

June 10, 2022

It was April 22nd, 2020 when Mary’s Mom, Eunice Cargo, moved in with us. The isolation of COVID, and the uncertainty of her health had prompted the relocation. We welcomed her without the certainty of knowing the duration of her stay, but with confidence that this was the right pathway for us. What we didn’t […]

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Made For Each Other

June 3, 2022

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” (Genesis 2:18) The Garden. Eden. Perfection. Then, a declaration from God. “Not good”. Alone. Alone? Adam, with plants and planets, with animals and asteroids, with the seas and the celestial… even […]

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His Plan For My Tears

May 27, 2022

Buffalo. Mariupol. And now… Uvalde. The pain. The sorrow. The uncontained evil. An 18-year-old with toxic racial hatred. A 69-year-old with tanks and an army. Another 18-year-old with the means to kill. Tears… Unimaginable grief. These incredible words from King David are an invitation into authenticity. David’s pain is real. He’s lost in the agony […]

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