It was never about the whale…

December 3, 2021

I think I’ve gotten the story wrong for years. You know, the story of Jonah. The story about a lead actor with a sea creature in a supporting role. The following two verses of scripture sum up the distilled version of nearly every Jonah account. And the LORD appointed a great fish to swallow up […]

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November 19, 2021

“The greatest of these is love.” Then, and now… and for eternity. Lisa Johnson. That was the name that quickened the pulse of nearly every 8th grade boy that walked the halls at Edison Junior High. She was poised, mature and lovely. I didn’t know very much about her… just that she lived with her […]

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We in a culture of Them

November 12, 2021

Hanging in my office is an artist’s rendition of an 80 year old Daniel and a collection of lions. The familiarity of the story often robs me of the consequential impact. Daniel. Courageous. Wise. Faithful. Loyal. Relevant. Brilliant. The stuff of flannel graph stories. The stuff of epic cinematography. While I love the diet managing, […]

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Casual Fridays

November 5, 2021

It was my first real job… a Systems Analyst for a small insurance company in Fort Wayne, Indiana. An annual salary of just north of $10,000 a year. But then, this was 1977. As an incentive to attract young college graduates, the company offered, Every Other Friday Off! I jumped at the opportunity. I bought […]

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3 Words

October 29, 2021

The Bible is a collection of over 783,000 words. 184,600 of them are in the New Testament, with 82,590 tucked in the four Gospels. Of these words, the Gospels record 31,426 spoken by Jesus. Each word measured and masterful. Every word a light. Yet, within the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks three words that anchor […]

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There are Falls, and then there are Falls

October 22, 2021

A snowless Fall has provided the perfect protection for a profound panorama of beauty. Splashes of color surround houses in our neighborhood. A full spectrum. An artist’s palette. It’s been stunning. The crescendo of this Fall experience erupted in a spontaneous prayer a couple of days ago while on a walk. “Lord”, I implored, “please […]

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Symptoms of The Sickness

October 15, 2021

COVID has propelled internet activity at intense levels. Many of the searches have to do with symptoms associated with the disease. Of all of the symptoms that seem focused and telling… the loss of smell and taste is high on the list. Over 50% of the individuals who contract COVID experience anosmia. Some say as […]

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Graybill and Cecelia

October 8, 2021

I stood at the gravesite. The place where a marble stone represents two lives that touched me deeply. At the very core, my grandparents, Graybill and Cecelia are the reason I am able to draw a breath, but in a very deep sense, their lives informed much of my earliest perspectives on what God was […]

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October 1, 2021

Three months. Rest. Renewal. Refreshment. Recommitment. Restoration. 6,000 miles of driving. Dirt roads in Western Colorado. The Beltway in Washington D.C. Downshifting. National Parks. Museums. Less Zoom. More introspection. Silence. Conversation. Music. More conversation.  Audio Books. Quiet. Laughter. Tears. Tenderness. Grit. Flashes of selfishness. A buffet of grace. Pioneering. Trips down memory lane. Reset. Re. […]

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An Invitation to a Spending Spree

September 24, 2021

*Dan is away for a summer sabbatical – a time of rest, rejuvenation and reverence.  Please enjoy one of our favorite Friday Fragments.  This Fragment was initially published on May 29, 2015. See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!  (1 John […]

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