What I Didn’t Expect Was Brandon

November 21, 2016

The final appeal had been made. The cards had been filled out. The closing prayer offered. I stood by Table 12 at the front of the room, assembled my belongs, and turned for the conversations that typically occur after a Youth For Christ fund raising banquet. What I didn’t expect was Brandon. Brandon is a […]

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A Shoebox Filled With Love

November 11, 2016

“Greater love has no one that this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”  ~ John 15:13 Bruce Cargo was a young man when he walked into the jungle of Viet Nam. Thousands of miles from his family in Port Huron, Michigan, surrounded by the confusion of war, Bruce stewarded the honor of […]

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The Wait is Over

November 4, 2016

Thursday morning I clicked on the radio to catch a glimpse at the top news and weather stories in the Mile High City. Instead, I was fed a steady diet of Chicago Cubs related updates. Even in Denver. Smiles pushed through the airwaves as the good news was shared. The Cubs are World Series Champions. […]

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“If” gave way to “if only” which yielded to “wait until next year.”

October 24, 2016

71 years. 108 years. These two specific numbers ooze out of the sports recaps these days as the Chicago Cubs now hover a single win away from going to the World Series for the first time in 71 years. If the Cubs outscore the Los Angeles Dodgers in one of the next two baseball games, […]

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His Beloved

October 14, 2016

and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17 “Beloved Son.” “I am well pleased with Him.” i.e. – “Hey humans – my created ones, this is Jesus. He’s my son and I’m crazy about Him. He brings me extraordinary joy and pleasure. I’m proud of […]

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Inviting Hatred for All the Right Reasons

October 7, 2016

“Follow me.” This was the invitation of Jesus, first to His disciples, then to others, now to us. “Follow me.” Be like Jesus. In one of the early sermons of Jesus’ ministry He defines His character, His attitude, and His incarnational persona. “Blessed are the poor in spirit… “Blessed are those who mourn… “Blessed are […]

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All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

September 30, 2016

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again. The earliest version of this well known nursery rhyme was published in Samuel Arnold’s Juvenile Amusements in 1797. The primary content has remained the same for over two hundred years. It […]

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The Door Slams

September 23, 2016

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. (John 3:17 ESV) Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I […]

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September 16, 2016

Not a momentary lapse into a positive frame of mind. Not a good mood kind of day. Not an outcome due to perfect circumstances. Not a function of ideal situations. Joy. “Christian joy is both a privilege and a duty.” (Jerry Bridges – The Fruitful Life) Cultivated in the soil of real life… Birthed through […]

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Living Without A Limp… Surgery Required

September 9, 2016

It took four weeks to get the proper diagnosis, but that changed last Friday: An apparent subacute avulsion of the entire left hamstring tendon off the left ischial tuberosity. The torn and retracted hamstring tendon is identified 6 cm distal to the ischial attachment site. What had been originally diagnosed as a level 2 hamstring […]

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