Confessions of a College Knitter

June 24, 2016

I’m not sure precisely when I learned to knit, or why… but early in my college life, on one of my visits back to Wheaton, Illinois, I got enough training to be dangerous. It happened at a local knitting shop, which propelled me. I was armed with two very large plastic needles and a connection […]

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“Ask what I shall give you”

June 17, 2016

Who wouldn’t love an invitation like this… “Ask what I shall give you.” Most especially when these words come from the lips of God. Wisdom was Solomon’s choice, and God both commended and rewarded his selection. Fast forward to the twelve disciples, living and learning in the shadow of their rabbi. From Jesus. Only once […]

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Lessons from Detention

June 10, 2016

There are a lot of reasons why one of our staff members who works with incarcerated young people might get a call from the local Detention Center. The competence and confidence that years of faithful engagement brings engenders a level of trust that makes our Youth For Christ staff member a part of the team. […]

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A Verb or a Noun

June 6, 2016

This week I made a trip to Eugene, Oregon to visit several wonderful friends and partners of our ministry. While I was driving through this college town I drove past the Universal Unitarian Church of Eugene. It was a large and distinctive building and it caused me to think through the general premise and promise […]

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A Low T Church

May 31, 2016

I must admit some trepidation in the title and inference of this Fragment, yet I feel compelled and convicted to press the keys… to push into the subject. Low Testosterone. Our society and culture are consumed with messages and advertisements and remedies for this condition. Quite honestly, my point isn’t to minimize or undermine the […]

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Bring them…

May 20, 2016

One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to him, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?” (John 6:8-9) Visionary Leadership. This has been an aspiration of mine as I have led the mission of Youth For Christ USA for the […]

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Picture Perfect

May 13, 2016

“he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him.” Isaiah 53:2b These prophetic words constructed by the prophet Isaiah are scandalous.  As God breathed into the soul of Isaiah, these words become the projection of a father declaring that someday the son that would […]

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The Secret of Grace

May 9, 2016

For the love of Christ controls us, (2 Corinthians 5:14a) Roughly a quarter of a mile from Wheaton Central High School was 103 East Park. This address was home for 16 years of my life, including my high school years. The close proximity to the school property made it possible for me to eat many […]

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“With the first pick…”

May 2, 2016

“With the first pick in the 2016 NFL draft, the Los Angeles Rams select Jarod Goff, quarterback California.” These words rolled off the lips of Roger Goodell, the Commissioner of the National Football League, as he announced the first, and each subsequent player selected by the professional football teams in the United States. Pride swelled. […]

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Calling All Shepherds… Yes, All of You

April 22, 2016

I’m several weeks away from a Youth For Christ USA National Board meeting. It’s in this context that I will receive my performance review. The process started several weeks ago and included the candid feedback of my Cabinet, of the board members, along with my own perspective related to my job performance. It’s a part […]

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