Food for the soul

October 25, 2010

It’s my intent to serve communion to our National Board on the second morning of our meetings together. Everything is ready. “And when the hour came, he reclined at table, and the apostles with him.” ~ Luke 22:14 Jesus had waited three years for this meal. It was the training meal before the battle of […]

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Entering the darkness

October 15, 2010

Thirty-three trapped miners, sixty-nine days of isolation, and the resolve and resources of a nation culminated in an extraordinary rescue on October 12 and 13. The San Jose mine in Chile was buzzing with activity and a corresponding hope. Necessity had embraced innovation and a make-shift tunnel of over 2,303 feet had been constructed to […]

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Serving our household

October 8, 2010

The past 36 hours have been an absolute blitz of home repair and projects. Our daughter, Alli, and her husband, Chris, just moved into a ranch house in the urban section of Stapleton in Denver. A one-month-old son made settling in that much tougher, and so Mary and I offered to pitch in. The home, […]

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Being ready

October 1, 2010

It was 10:40 am when I pulled into the parking lot at the McDonalds in Black Mountain, NC. An appointment had drawn me over the rolling Carolina mountains from my hotel in Charlotte. After getting my rental car parked I pulled out my itinerary to check my schedule… this was perhaps the fifth, or maybe […]

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Dry and ready

September 24, 2010

We live in a dangerous community. So dangerous in fact that a ban on charcoal fires has now been established. Yes, things are dry. Really dry. High winds and careless behavior have led to the most expensive fires in the history of the state. Forests that have been devastated by the Pine Beetle, weeks without […]

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Seeking endorsement?

September 17, 2010

It was early on Wednesday morning… a core group of students from Cherokee Trail High School were coming over for a planning meeting, a time in God’s Word, and a few pancakes. I helped Mary in the kitchen as we made final preparations for the gathering. By self-appointment I had determined what music should be […]

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The Banner of Love

September 13, 2010

48,000 pedal strokes. That’s what I plan to do over the next forty-eight hours. After doing a little math I figured out that it will take that to complete a 150-mile bike ride. But the ride that I participate in tomorrow and Sunday isn’t about biking, or exercise, or competition… the ride tomorrow with Team […]

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September 7, 2010

Two weeks ago Desmond Matthew Horst was born. Within the first twenty-four hours of Desmond’s life he had several family visitors. Included in that list was Malia, Desmond’s two and a half year old cousin. When Malia entered room 403 at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Denver, she was poised, confident and ready for action. She […]

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What’s best for me

August 27, 2010

“I have to do what’s best for me, and for my family.” This single sentence, or a variation of it, has proven to be a popular reprise for professional athletes, disgraced politicians, and nearly any and everyone wanting to escape the weight or obligation of unfulfilled expectations. It’s the trump card. The shortener of protracted […]

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The Fullness of Time

August 20, 2010

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his son…” ~ Galatians 4:4 (ESV) The delivery date of the most significant human ever born was right on schedule. It was calculated with precision, with purpose, and with perfection. Under the inescapable inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul not only describes […]

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