
July 14, 2023

Have you heard of it? Oreo-ID is the new way to customize one of your favorite cookie sandwich treats. From the crème on the inside, to the design on the outside. From pictures to corporate logos… Oreos are here for you. And of course, the same can be done with M&M’s. Pure individual customization. Customization. […]

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One Shining Moment

July 7, 2023

With breakfast in the rearview mirror, we showed up at Skagit Cycle shop in Anacortes, Washington. It was July 10th, 2012, and we had bikes to rent and a 50-mile ride in our plans… We paused for a picture on the threshold of Deception Bridge, just before riding onto Whidbey Island. Once across, it was […]

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Theology 101

June 30, 2023

I can picture the long rectangular table, and the collection of Youth For Christ staff sitting around it. We had just concluded an evening event where young people were presented with the beautiful message of grace and truth. Jesus. Redeemer and friend. I had just celebrated my one-year anniversary with YFC, and as the meal […]

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A Formula to Flourish

June 23, 2023

Something happened with name tags on, and assignments given. Something special. Something important. Six grandchildren, two grandparents, a strong and focused supervisor, and a compelling vision. And again, something happened. The work was at the Food Bank of the Rockies. A large collection station in Denver that serves many food pantries across the community.  This is where large […]

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The Word of the Lord

June 16, 2023

And the word of the LORD came to Zechariah, saying, “Thus says the LORD of hosts, Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another, do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor, and let none of you devise evil against another in your heart.” (Zechariah 7:8–10, ESV) Tweet that! […]

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Cherry Creek Schools and Our HOA

June 2, 2023

When Mary and I moved to Aurora, Colorado,18 years ago, there was an open field across from our house.  Within a couple years, Coyote Hills Elementary School was constructed and occupied. At the same time that the school was being built, we were being introduced to our new Home Owners Association (HOA).  This group not […]

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Banana. Sunrise. Chair.

May 26, 2023

It was my first Medicare physical, and although I’ve gone through many routine physicals in the past, aspects of this exam were unexpected. Dr. Seth Gursky, my Primary Care Physician, has seen me multiple times before. But this time, he poked into new territory. Specifically, memory testing. In fact, my pre-exam questions were very different. […]

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The Guidebook to St. John

May 5, 2023

It was May, 2003 when Mary and I last visited the remarkable island of St. John, the smallest of three islands in the U.S. Virgin Islands. We were celebrating our Silver wedding anniversary with our three kids. Since then we’ve talked often about returning, and this year, in celebration of our 45th wedding anniversary, we’ve […]

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Standing between a stroller and a wheelchair…

April 28, 2023

A journey through Denver International Airport is something I can do without thought. I’ve done it hundreds of times over the past 18 years. Today, as I boarded the train that connects the main terminal to the C Concourse, I stood between a baby in a stroller, and an elderly woman in a wheelchair. The […]

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One or two?

April 24, 2023

Three or four? Five or six? Yes, this past week was another trip to the optometrist. Lens variations dropping in front of my eyes as I focus on the letters across the room. “Which is clearer?”, Dr. Bell inquired. Feeling the pressure of a pop quiz, I did my best to rapidly consider my options. […]

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