Only June…

March 1, 2019

She was young…but we were younger. Youth For Christ was all of ten years old when June Thompson joined the chorus. March 1, 1954 in Brantford, Ontario, Canada – the hometown of hockey icon Wayne Gretzky. It was Evon Headley who recruited her and it was Evon who invited her to join him on the […]

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The Slave Bible

February 26, 2019

It was my final stop on a day of stops. The Museum of the Bible had been a profoundly impactful and inspirational experience… but the most powerful was yet to come. All six floors of the Museum are packed with remarkable artifacts and inspirational stories, but the most convicting was yet to come. It was […]

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Pops… “What if?”

February 15, 2019

Drew Jones Wolgemuth. All boy. Nearly four years old. A tornado of activity. A tsunami of questions. But not just inquisitive questions, ponderous and vast and provocative questions. They leap over symmetry or continuity, but they never lack sincerity and passion. “Pops… what if my finger falls off?” And while I’m forming a thoughtful response […]

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Beyond the Blizzard

January 25, 2019

A recent onslaught of snow has tugged me back to a reflection I did just over three years ago. Worth noting, three years later, I still have my little Toro… The snow fell, and it fell, and then in the howling wind it flew. It’s not often that the weather forecasters in Denver underestimate the […]

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He knocked the city out of me…

January 18, 2019

“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God re-mold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity.” (Romans 12:2, Phillips) My parents, Sam and […]

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Making Cents of Sparrows

January 11, 2019

Having spent time, once again, watching the beautifully adorned Flicker at our feeder, I was drawn to some thoughts I shared a year ago… Ah, the beautiful Flicker. A bird of size, color, elegance and stature. A bird that frequents the feeders on the deck outside our kitchen window. Like an extra guest at the […]

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Mary knew…

January 4, 2019

When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loved, he said to her, “Dear woman, here is your son.” The scandalous and rumor-filled beginning to Mary’s journey into motherhood was a precursor to what was ahead. A bookend that would have a brutal Roman cross at the other end. For thirty-three years Mary […]

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Shame on Mary

December 21, 2018

Two years ago I ventured down a reflective pathway as I thought about the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus… Before the miracles, gossip. Before the cross, whispers. Before an empty tomb, rumors. Before the swaddling clothes, a pregnant, unmarried teenager. Before glorious praise, scandal. Before Magi worship, neighborhood humiliation. Before confidence, doubt. “Do […]

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What Child Is This?

December 14, 2018

The words and the tune floated through the air at the Christmas program that Malia, our eleven-year-old granddaughter participated in. Malia’s fingers moved confidently across the white and black piano keys, and her voice pounced securely on every word and note. Malia’s practice, preparation and courage had positioned her on the bench that faced the […]

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November 30, 2018

A zip code. A community on the south side of Dallas. For our Youth For Christ mission… a calling. In the words of an employee in the local juvenile detention facility… 75216 is a “cradle to prison pipeline” for young people in the neighborhood. Predictable. Gut-wrenchingly predictable. 92.5% of the students in 75216 are eligible […]

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